AI Governance

The proliferation of AI promises significant automation potential and the possibility of creating an entirely new category of products and services. Optimists project that AI could contribute $15 trillion to the global economy by 2030. However, many businesses are concerned about balancing agility in AI innovation with compliance with societal expectations and emerging regulations. Bureaucracy and liability are also feared.

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Open Access
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AI Governance: Data As An Asset

Rohan Light

Health New Zealand I Te Whatu Ora

Open Access
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AI Governance: Learning from the Past

Alyssa Harvey Dawson

Board Member, Former GC & Tech Executive


AI standards: killing two birds with one stone?

Kevin Schawinski

Modulos AG


Investigations: How to prepare, how to respond

Cynthia J. Cole

Baker McKenzie

National Security

CFIUS and China: You say de-risking, I say decoupling

Rod Hunter

Baker McKenzie

AI Governance

AI and Regulatory Readiness in M&A

Christoph Werkmeister



The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: Prepare to Succeed

Andreas Reindl, Catherine Gordley

Van Bael & Bellis


Anti-Dumping: The Ripple Effect Across Global Markets

Bregt Natens

King & Spalding


AI Liability Risks

Tim Wybitul

Latham & Watkins

Trade Sanctions

Adapting to Fast-Evolving Trade Sanctions

Daniel Martin, David Savage

Holman Fenwick Willan


Global Merger Control: Keeping M&A Deals on Track

Gil Ohana

Davis Polk


Insuring against AI-related risks in deal-making

Sandra Lee

BMS Group


Venture Capital

Felix Blobel



Startups and AI Regulation: An Israeli Perspective

Masha Yudashkin

Barnea Jaffa Lande

Russian Sanctions

Sanctions on Russia: Challenges and Potential Solutions

Satish Kini, Alan Kartashkin



In the Markets: China

Raymond Chan, Jeffrey Ding and Gil Zhang

Fangda Partners


In the Markets: Germany

Torsten Kraul



In the Markets: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Chris Lester, Ksenia Koroleva

Latham & Watkins

Trade Regulation

What happens in Geneva?

Jan Walter



An Unruly World: Why Traditional Strategies No Longer Work

Sean West

Hence Technologies


In the Markets: Brazil

Paulo Brancher

Mattos Filho

Trade & Investment

Regulating Trade and Investment in the Aerospace, Security and Defence (ASD) Industries: Key Concerns & Common Misconceptions

Sabine Naugès

McDermott Will & Emery


When data is crossing borders

Lothar Determann

Baker McKenzie


Foreign Subsidies: Benefit or Threat?

Elżbieta Glowicka, Anselm Mattes

E.CA Economics

authors & editorial committee

Contributing Authors
Alyssa Harvey Dawson
Board Member, Former GC & Tech Executive
Ayse Dirik
Chief Legal Officer, Yıldız Holding A.Ş.
Cynthia J. Cole
Partner & Global Chair of Commercial, Technology & Transactions, Baker McKenzie
Gregor Rutow
Global Data Protection Officer, Allianz Partners SAS
Jerry Gupta
Head of AI Products & Insurance, Armilla AI
Kevin Schawinski
Co-founder & CEO, Modulos AG
Rohan Light
Principal Analyst Data Governance, Health New Zealand I Te Whatu Ora
Editorial Committee
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Downloadable Assets


Open Access
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AI Agents: Core Components


Open Access
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AI Facial Recognition After the FTC Rite Aid Order


Open Access
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AI Investment Trends: Private Sector Growth


Open Access
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Data as an Asset: How Data Drives Market Value


Open Access
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Explainer Sheet | Overview of Standard-Setting Initiatives


Open Access
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Explainer Sheet | Standards


Open Access
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Seven Steps to Effective AI Governance

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